Thursday, August 30

Birthday post

twenty three years old!
okay, let's be honest. there's nothing exciting about being twenty three.
But at twenty-three, I can look forward to some big, beautiful and exciting days ahead, and I can also look back on some fun and meaningful things that I've learned to value and love.
So, let's cliche this birthday out, and look at twenty three things in life that I love.

1- Big, beautiful windows that let the light in.
2- A child's wide, deep and endlessly innocent eyes.
3- Morning yoga.
4- Hammocks.
5- Warm blankets that completely engulf you.
6- Singing! I love to sing - there is just something so freeing and beautiful about releasing a joyful sound with all your heart.
7- Pretty and interesting old things.
8- Expansive views and unbelievable scenery. To see the ocean, the Grand Canyon, the greatest of mountains or the furthest reaching of plains gives a person a feeling of awe that cannot be undone.
9- Fireflies... they're almost otherworldly, aren't they?
10- Fellowship. I've often underappreciated this aspect of the church, but after feeling the family atmosphere of the Christians in India, I feel I learned to understand it. With all the wonderful people in my life who love me so well, I've learned to realize how rich and deep is the true fellowship that surrounds me.
11- Watermelons!
12- People who are challenging, intelligent, intentional, and adventurous.
13- Photography - I love the way the camera, if appreciated and correctly used, can so perfectly sum up a moment. Weddings are not lost, trips are memorable, children remain young, and love always blossoms; because of the intensity, profoundness, and expansive evocative feel of one photograph.
14- Simplicity.
15- Billy balls, thistles, and succulents, in all their different prettiness.
16- Motorcycles: I often feel that I am never more ME than when I am riding one. It's freedom, it's adventure, it's thrills and open air and sensory overload. It's everything at your fingertips.
17- Pure and unsullied beauty. (it's everywhere. find it)
18- Indian Chai.
19- Creatively crafted gifts and surprises. I like it when i have the stroke of brilliance to think of one - that perfect way to love someone right when it's needed - and i love to receive them :)
20- Seeing things. Doing things. Living.
21- Sunrises.
22- Andrew Quinn. This man I met two years ago has taught me to love without condition, and give expecting nothing in return. He reminds me about the worth of each individual person you meet, and the  depth of invaluable story invested in antiquity. He has helped me learn relational compromise and the value of being still, and has shown me graciousness and compassion on countless occasions. He loves me when I'm me, and that's a big deal.
23- India. I love this culture-filled land, and the way it makes me feel at home. I love the cows and the precious people, and the chai and the traffic. India holds my heart.

Happy Birthday to me!
Here's to two years abroad, and whatever follows.

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