Sunday, October 17

God is beautiful, and i always forget.
He has his timing, and He is constantly doing something. How little i deserve His love. How unfair of Him to let me even be the least deserving of these. He should forget me.
He doesn't forget me!
Lord, how I wish you didn't have to always draw me back to you. How i long to walk ever closely with You. You bless me with your goodness and with things that i love - what a personal God you are, knowing my individuality (having created it purposefully). Why do you care about what i am, what i stand for, what calms me and excites me?
My beautiful God; i always forget.

please continue to provide for the children of India through child sponsorship however and whenever you see fit.
please continue to mold me into your image, whatever that looks like.
please continue to take away from me that which i do not need, that which You do not love.
please continue to rend my heart.

Let me love those you love... let me "identify myself with Your interests in other people, not identify YOU with MY interests in other people."

oof, God, you're good and i'm just not. Thanks for love - thank you that it's there for me, whether i believe in it or not.

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