not to know the scrutiny of another's watchful eye
danget! i missed slurpee day!
can you hold me and protect me
from the cold, relentless chill?
do you care or are you teasing,
will you be there when you say you will?
when im tired and im hurting
and i'm cranky and befuddled
if i just need a chest to lay on
will yours be the one i cuddle?
through thick and thin and big and small
you're sticking with me, and i see
that i am comfortable with you,
and that you're truly loving me.
now you've proven yourself worthy
now you've given your fair share.
now i know you and i trust you,
and now i'm sure; you will be there.
take me someplace with mist and mountains
take me somewhere clear.
transport me someplace i can sit and think
take me where i can hear.
out of the sickness, out of the smog
out of the smoky air
away from the chattering people and cars
take me where life seems fair.
take me someplace with shiny oceans
take me where i fit in.
take me someplace not flat and boring
where colors seep into the wind.
take me someplace beautiful
a place i'll appreciate being.
take me someplace beautiful.
where the air is not binding, but freeing.
There's something otherworldly about the moon some nights.
well, now that i say it, i guess there's always something otherworldly about the moon.
some nights, though, it comes to remind me. tonight the moon was just so round it was bulging, so close it was tangible, so big i hardly recognized it. it was a soft pastel yellow against a blue sky that was fading to purple. it just made me stop and look. it hovered right above the trees, just hung there, so big and plump and soft.
the moon is not menacing. the moon is not bright. the moon is just helpful; helpful and beautiful. not always visible, not always noticed. different, and distant, and a striking reminder that we're actually going about our business on a piece of mud that is crashing and spinning through units of universe.
we are hurtling, careening through existence and we aren't even capable of noticing it.
...sound familiar?
would we feel peace if the earth just stopped?
there is something very enlightening about the moon. it reminds me that we are still moving.
don't speak, don't try
don't break the silence of the sky
there is a certain peacefulness i find in it tonight.
but don't leave, don't go
still stay with me, i know you know
that though i stand here quiet i don't want to be alone.
can you feel, can you see
the beauty as you stand with me?
there's loveliness in reveling in all that's been made free.
raise your head, close your eyes
the beauty is for him who tries
to take it in with all his senses, he who tries to find.
be a seeker, and be still
you'll feel it too, i know you will
the depth and precious prettiness of earth - you'll feel the thrill.
standing tall now, so headstrong.
i don't know why you keep saying i'm wrong.
i wont let you tell me i'm broken.
i simply refuse to see
everything i have worked to be
as a problem.
i'm proud of who i am, i'm proud of how i care. i'm proud of who i'm becoming and what i have accomplished.
i like me and i'm finally comfortable in my own skin - how is that not an accomplishment?
i hope to be flexible enough to know when complacency is not an option, but can't i be allowed to rest?
can't i be allowed
to be proud?
is it meant for one - the most specialest person
or to give to everyone?
there's so many meanings and strange kinds of love,
and i've only just begun.
there's the kind that keeps you up at night
and the kind that helps you sleep
the kind that helps all who are standing around you
and that weeps when others weep.
it has to be given and taken, both -
shown in action and said in word,
it's clear that love is a two-way street,
and a double-edged sword.
it's a mystery, this love, a baffling game
but it's true at the end of the day
that everyone needs it somehow or another,
we must've been made that way.
now, the way i see it, the only way
the bring some kind of semblance of peace;
the only way to see heaven on earth
is to reach out to the least of these.
there's pain and there's evil and hurt and there's death
in glazed eyes you can just about see through.
so make it priority, if it's just once today,
to say or show someone "i love you."