Tuesday, June 9

life's messy!

originally uploaded by Daygo D..

we often trip and slip and fall
as we seek to uncover our way.
you can't finish life with your poise still intact
so stop working, make some time to play!

the truth is, life is messy
and you can't avoid the pain
but the happiest people that i've ever seen
were dancing in the rain.

have you ever felt like giving up?
have you ever tried to quit?
did you find out it set you back quite a bit more,
that it just didnt help you a bit?

i know its hard to know everyone knows
they can see it 'cause it's pretty plain.
the times that you've stumbled, the times that you've fallen
have left you with quite a few stains.

but smile, play, go crazy.
laugh it off when you fall down.
keep working toward your own goals and your dreams
see, the mud has turned EVERYONE brown!

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