Friday, January 22


bit her lip and toughed it out, she grew among the thorns
until the blossoms, white and sweet did blossom and adorn
the ends of twigs which never seemed would be lovely again.
a bowed head and a simple prayer which ends in sweet amen
has brought the rain to pass and promised all new precious life
she's owned all that she wants to be, and not a waiting wife
but instead a gorgeous bride in present and in truth
to one who never will forsake, in age or in charmed youth.
there's something about stability that enchants and holds her down
but something also that released her;
freed her from all that bound.

questions asked silently of the night sky
when no one else listens or cares to ask why.

great silver moon, turned on your side,
have you ever had something you wanted to hide?
ever a secret, or ever a fear
that made sure you lost all you ever held dear?
great silver moon, rolled on your back,
have you ever felt strangely completely off track?
odd somehow, angry, frustrated or torn,
for no reason at all, are you down, or forlorn?

1 comment:

  1. Loved your first poem, Juliebird, and the beautiful imagery in it. I've started drawing again and wish I could be sketching with you!

