Sunday, January 31

a little life update...

i just can't help feeling like i don't deserve all the blessings i've received this year. how thankful i am for my life here in 2010!
twenty is a great age to be, and college is a great place to be! although...

you do run into some slight inconveniences :)
i made coffeepot ramen today, it worked pretty well except for that the time it took for the noodles to absorb the hot water is about the same amount of time it takes for hot water to cool.

after that, though, i ate oreos and skyped my sister for 47 minues and 24 seconds, which was surprisingly refreshing. (not the oreos, i remain confident in their unchanging power)


but honestly, things are just so good. i've finally started working on my online biology class, which is a pain, but a manageable one. I also just found out about Google Reader, which is AWESOME and has been eating up a lot of my time as i find more photography and friend blogs to follow. Everything i find out about google impresses me... for instance, have you tried Google Chrome? Fast, Facile, Fantastic!

My Canon EOS Rebel XS arrived in the mail yesterday, as you probably saw, and i name things... so named it Sam [cute and gender-neutral, though the more time i spend with it, the more feminine vibe i
get :) ]. I already have a couple of shoots lined up here at school! These will be the first shoots with people who aren't immediate friends of mine, outside of work for CL!X during my breaks from school. i'm soooo excited.
The future holds Elliv practices, preparations for India, arrangements for the new Cedar-cliff township ministry, a trip to Texas with my favorite girls, and a LOT of drawing.
i'm looking forward to everything about this semester... i wouldn't change a thing.

1 comment:

  1. thanks so much, Brian! i'm enjoying it SO much already :)

