Tuesday, May 4


I'm so excited for India. I'm so excited to see where it leads me and what it will teach me. I'm so excited to love the people, experiment with the food, and evaluate my life's direction. I know that five weeks will fly by, and in order to make them count, i'll need to stay focused on my task the entire time; i know i need to put forth effort perpetually to have the mind of Christ.
i pray that i will begin to live as one striving for the living hope found in 1peter 1, embodying the selfless attitude of philippians 2, and becoming a woman of whom the world is not worthy, as those in hebrews 11.
i pray i won't falter, waver, or stray.
i pray i will learn to stop thinking of myself.

so what can i do NOW to begin?
this is the part i've been having trouble with. keeping up with my schoolwork, keeping up with my quiet times, serving my family in the way they need it the most... how difficult it is to stay on task! Lord, in my unfaithfulness, show yourself faithful.
and He always, Always does.

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